
General setup for sys/vo admin

Choose a different prefix, if you want dependencies installed in different dir

git clone && cd genairics PREFIX=$VSC_DATA_VO/resources genairics/scripts/

virtualenv settings

If installing within a virtual environment with mkvirtualenv you can set genairics locations relative to the environment:

GAXDIR=~/repos/genairics mkvirtualenv -a $GAXDIR -i ipython -r $GAXDIR/requirements.txt genairics echo “export GAX_REPOS=$VIRTUAL_ENV/repos” >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate echo “export GAX_PREFIX=$VIRTUAL_ENV” >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate echo “export GAX_RESOURCES=$VIRTUAL_ENV/resources” >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate echo “unset GAX_REPOS GAX_PREFIX GAX_RESOURCES” >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/predeactivate

git repo

For new version do git updatemaster, which automates working from dev branch, merging to master and updating version with following aliases in .git/config

[alias] repoversion = !echo 25 updaterepoversion = !git config –local alias.repoversion ‘!echo ‘$(($(git repoversion)+1)) && git repoversion updateversion = !sed -i -e ‘s/version = “.*”/version = “0.1.’$(git updaterepoversion)’”/’ && git commitversion commitversion = !git commit -am”subversion=$(git repoversion)” tagversion = !git tag -a v0.1.$(git repoversion) -m ‘genairics version 0.1.’$(git repoversion) && git push origin v0.1.$(git repoversion) updatemaster = !git updateversion && git checkout master && git merge dev && git tagversion && git push origin master && git checkout dev pulldev = !git pull origin dev && pip3 install –user –upgrade .


Tests can be run from the repo directory with python3 test. Tests are included for any pipelines referenced in papers and pipelines used by collaborators.

Mac OS X


Install brew:

brew install python3 bowtie2 brew install homebrew/core/fastqc homebrew/science/bedtools pip3 install –user genairics

Install fuse from and sshfs from


Interactive node for debugging

qsub -I -l walltime=09:50:00 -l nodes=1:ppn=12

Debug job

qsub -q debug -l walltime=00:50:00 -l nodes=1:ppn=4 -m n -v datadir=$VSC_DATA_VO_USER/data,project=NSQ_Run270,forwardprob=0,SET_LUIGI_FRIENDLY=,GENAIRICS_ENV_ARGS= $VSC_DATA_VO/resources/repos/genairics/genairics/

Submit package to pypi

python sdist upload -r pypi


Build container

#docker build . –build-arg buildtype=development #for development docker build . –tag beukueb/genairics:latest docker push beukueb/genairics:latest docker tag beukueb/genairics:latest genairics

To debug, reset entrypoint:

docker run -it -v /tmp/data:/data -v /tmp/results:/results -v /Users/cvneste/mnt/vsc/resources:/resources –env-file ~/.BASESPACE_API –entrypoint bash bcaf446c7765

Cleaning docker containers/images

docker system prune -f

Build distribution package

workon genairics pip install pyinstaller pyinstaller –onefile __main__.spec dist/genairics/genairics -h

Mac OS X dmg

workon genairics pushd dist hdiutil create ./genairics.dmg -srcfolder genuirics -ov popd